- 제14회 창파강좌 (滄波講座, Blue Waves Lecture)
Power of the Humanities in Education for Humanity : A Ukrainian Case of What Happens If Things Go in the Wrong Direction
가 . Speaker: Prof. Oksana Zabolotna, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University 나 . Title: Power of the Humanities in Education for Humanity : A Ukrainian Case of What Happens If Things Go in the Wrong Direction 다 . Date & Time: 2022. 6. 17 ( 金 ) - 台灣 , 新加坡 , 中國 , 香港 (UTC+8) : 15:00-17:00 - 日本 , 韓國 (UTC+9) : 16:00-18:00 라. Venue: 온라인 ZOOM 회의실 - https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/82888503792?pwd=dDNCWkpQVmpGTGVjbURZUjRLMWdTQT09 회의 ID: 828 8850 3792 / PW: 570696 마 . Language: English-Chinese & English-Korean Simultaneous Translation 바 . Materials Provided: Essay & PPT slides in English and other related materials 사 . Audience: College/University Education Colleagues form Taiwan, Japan, China,
Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, and others. |